Shuri Ryu Taezus

Taezu naru waza (continuous motion) begin and end with a block. Taezus are designed primarily to develop SPEED and FLUIDITY. Without taezu technique, a student tends to develop a powerful collection of movements which will not flow. Taezu will improve ability in body turning, shifting, stepping and changing directions with proper speed and fluidity.

Taezus Naru Waza

Taezu Naru Waza #1
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari jodan-uke (left high block)
2. Step forward into migi zenkutsu-dachi (right front stance) and execute  migi shuto (knife hand strike) to attackers left clavicle
3. Execute hidari tsuki (left twisting punch), then execute migi tsuki (right twisting punch) to heart
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to attackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi (right cat stance)
6. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri (right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #2
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute hidari jodan-uke(left high block)
2. Step forward into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right forward stance)execute a migi tettui(right hammer strike) to attackers right shoulder
3. Chamber hands and immeditely thrust them out in a morote nukite(two arm spearhand) with left hand on top
 and right on bottom. Palms are facing each other
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to attackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi(right cat stance)
6. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri(right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #3
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute hidari jodan-uke(left high block)
2. Step forward into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right forward stance) simultaneously grabbing, or trapping attackers right punch, with your left hand and execute an palm up leopard strike to attackers throat
3. Pull both hands back to chamber then execute a simultaneous migi tatte(right vertical punch) and hidari Mawashi tsuki(left roundhouse punch)
4. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to attackers eyes
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi(right cat stance)
6. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri(right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #4
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute hidari jodan-uke(left high block)
2. Step forward into migi zenkutsu dachi(right front stance) and execute migi tatte(right vertical punch) to solar plexus
3. Execute hidari gedan tsuki(left low thrust punch), then execute migi jodan tsuki(right high twisting punch) to attackers jaw
4. Pull both hands back to the left side of your head right fingertips over left fingertips, palms facing each other. Then execute a morote shuto tsuki (double knifehand strike) to temple and neck of attacker
5. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to attackers eyes
6. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi(right cat stance)
7. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri(right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #5
1. Step 45 degrees left and forward into a hanmi-dachi(half face front stance) and execute migi uri-uke(right hammer block) to attackers bicep
2. Execute migi uraken(right horizontal backfist), pivot into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance)
3. Immediately execute a simultaneous migi chudan uke(right middle block) and hidari tsuki(left thrust punch)
4. Pivot into hanmi kiba-dachi(forty-five degree horse riding stance) and execute migi empi(right elbow strike)
5. Pivot back into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute morote tsuki(two arm thrust punch) left hand over right palms down or side by side
6. Chamber hands and execute double snake strike to attackers eyes
7. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi(right cat stance)
8. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri(right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #6
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute gedan kajaken-barai(low swimming deflection) then execute migi jodan-uke(right high block)
2. Drop your right hand to your hip and execute morote nukite(two arm spearhand)
3. Push with left hand and step through to migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute migi Age-tsuki(right rising punch)
4. Meet both hands side by side, palms up. Flip hands toward your chest and then immediately shoot them out in double snake strike
5. Pull both hands back to cross block and come to migi neko-dachi(right cat stance)
6. Immediately execute a migi mae-geri(right front kick) bring right leg back into a back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi (left front stance) and execute a hidari gedan-uke (left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #7
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari jodan-uke(left high block)
2. Immediately execute migi chudan-uke(right middle block) then execute migi uraken(right vertical backfist)
3. Step up turning 90 degrees into a heisoku-dachi(formal stance) and pull to Te-Uke(stack hand) and immediately execute migi uraken(right horizontal backfist)
4. Step down to hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance), immediately sweep your right leg back and simultaneously
execute migi shuto(right horizontal knifehand)
5. As the right foot hits the ground execute morote shotei-ate(two arm palm heel smash)
6. Step back into hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hida ri gedan-uke(left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #8
1. Execute a right inside crescent kick, without putting your foot down execute migi sokuto-geri(right snap side(blade) kick)
2. Step forward into migi kage-dachi(right shadow stance) and execute migi uraken(right backfist), then immeditely execute hidari kajaken tsuki(left swimming punch)
3. Step left foot back into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and simultaneously execute morote shotei ate(two arm palm heel smash)
4. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)
3. Execute hidari jodan seiken(left high twisting punch), then execute migi jodan seiken(right high twisting punch)
4. Immediately execute hidari gedan seiken(left low twisting punch), then execute migi gedan-seiken(right low twisting punch)
5. Meet hands side by side with palms facing up, flip hands toward your chest and immediately shoot them out in a snake strike
6. Pull hands back to chest in snake position to a migi neko-dachi(right cat stance) DO NOT FRONT KICK!
7. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #9
1. Step back with right foot into left forward stance. Left downward pushaway block to opponent's right punch. Execute a right high block to opponent's left punch
2. Step forward into right forward stance, Left punch to head, Right punch to head
3. Remain in forward right stance. Left punch to groin, Right punch to groin
4. Double snake head strikes to eyes
5. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

Taezu Naru Waza #10
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari jodan-uke(left high block)
2. Step forward into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute migi age-tsuki(right rising punch)
3. Pull right fist back to forehead with palm facing out, immediately execute migi uraken(right backfist)
4. Meet hands side by side with palms facing up, flip hands toward your chest and immediately shoot them out in a snake strike
5. Pull hands back to chest in snake position to a migi neko-dachi(right cat stance) DO NOT FRONT KICK!
6. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

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