About Us

Suncoast Karate Dojo Concepts fitness. defense. respect. confidence.

Specializing in Children's Mental, Physical and Character Delevopment

Genuine fun and serious learning can be mixed with just enough discipline to be an invaluable aid to growing up. Every parent knows the importance of teaching good habits as well as developing mental and physical skills during the formative years. During this time every moment counts! Boys and girls from ages 4 to 17 are given a complete education in the martial arts at a pace consistent with their learning level. Discipline is strongly emphasized and each child is taught to respect both themselves and others..


Interested in Private Lessons? A Seminar? Self Defense workshop or classes for Kids or Adults? Please give us a call.

Quiz For Parents ***

Has your child expressed an interest in the martial Arts?
Is your child shy?

Has your child been bullied?

Is your child poor at sports?

Does your child lack confidence?

Does your child have too much energy?

Is your child aggressive?

Does your child lack interest?


All Instructors are Members of The International Shuri Ryu Association.

Suncoast Karate Dojo's Code of Honor

♦ Seek Perfection of Character

♦ Endeavor

♦ Be Faithful

♦ Respect Others

♦ Refrain From Violent Behavior

♦ Honor My Family and Myself

Shuri Ryu


Who We Are

Respect is one of the first things you will learn at our dojo. The Japanese word dojo means "way place" or "place of enlightenment".The dojo is a mirror of life. When we train, we can see our attitudes toward life and other people emerge very clearly. Shuri Ryu karate is steeped in simplicity-the simple white uniforms; the basic movements. In this simplicity, we are more likely to find the truth about ourselves.
