Shuri Ryu Kihons

Kihon kumite emphasizes the combination Power, Form, Speed
and Fluidity. It is practiced as the foundation and introduction to techniques used for and in sparring. Kihons improve ability in body turning, shifting, stepping and changing direction.

Kihon Kumite Kata

Kihon Kumite Kata #1
1. Immediately pull to hidari Te-uke(left side stacked hand), then step out into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute an migi augmented
chudan uke(right augmented middle block)
2. From the extended position execute migi jodan seiken(right high twisting punch), then execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch
3. Remain in migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute migi gedan-uke(right low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #2
1. Step out with your left foot into a hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute migi shotei-barai(right palm heel deflection)
2. Pivot 45 degrees right into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch)
3. Pull your right foot back and execute migi mawashi geri(right roundhouse kick)
4. Pull your kicking leg all the way back to a hidari zenkutsu dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #3
1. Step out with your left foot into a hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute hidari nagashi uke(left push block)
2. Pivot 45 degrees left into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute migi Isshin ryu tsuki(right Isshin ryu strike)
3. Pivot 90 degrees right into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari tettui(left hammer strike)
4. Remain in migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute migi gedan uke(right low block) k

Kihon Kumite Kata #4
1. Step out with your left foot into a hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute morote shotei barai(two arm palm heel deflect)
2. Pull hands to your right hip and execute migi hiza geri(right knee strike), before the leg steps down pivot 45 degrees right
3. Step down into a migi zenkutsu dachi and execute migi gedan shuto(right low knifehand), then execute migi gedan uke(right low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #5
1. Step forward into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari jodan uke(left high block)
2. Bring your right fist back to your forehead with palm facing out and execute migi uraken(right backfist)
3. Immediately execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch)
4. Remain in hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #6
1. Step forward with your left foot into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute migi shotei barai(right palm deflection)
2. Pivot 90 degrees right into a migi zenkutsu dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari empi(left upward elbow), then execute hidari empi(left horizontal elbow strike)
3. Step back into hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #7
1. Step forward with with your left foot into hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute morote shotei barai(two arm palm deflection)
2. Flip you left hand palm in and make a large circle with both hands and meet them on your right knee
3. Bring the right leg all the way back to Hidari han mei zenkutsu-dachi(left forty five degree front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #8
1. Step forward into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari shotei barai(left palm deflection)
2. Execute hidari hiza geri(left knee strike), as the foot hits the ground execute migi empi(right upward elbow strike)
3. Step back into hidari zenkutsu dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #9
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)
2. Execute migi mae-geri(right front kick) as the kicking foot lands in a migi zenkutsu dachi(right front stance) execute migi seiken(right twisting punch)
3. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #10
1. Step out into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute migi shotei barai(right palm deflection)
2. Execute migi fumikomi yoko geri(right stomp side kick), immediately shift 90 degrees right and land in a migi zenkutsu dachi
3. Dip into a migi matsurin dachi(right jungle stance) and execute a left dragon fist punch
4. Rise up into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute migi gedan-uke(right low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #11
1. Step out with your left foot into a hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute migi shotei barai(right palm deflection)
2. Pivot 45 degrees right into migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch)
3. Shift 45 degrees left back into a hanmi kiba-dachi(forty five degree horse riding stance) and execute migi seiken(right twisting punch)
4. Step back into hidari han mei zenkutsu dachi(left forty five front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #12
1. Immediately execute a right inside crescent kick, without putting your foot down execute a migi sokuto yoko geri(right snap side(blade) kick)
2. As your foot hits the ground pivot right into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch)
3. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #13
1. Step out into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute migi shotei-barai(right palm deflection)
2. Simultaneously thrust your right hand forward in a C-strike and execute Ushiro Fumikomi(Back stomp kick)
3. Remain in hidari zenktsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #14
1. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan kajaken barai(left low swimming deflection)
2. Step forward into a hashiji dachi(natural stance) facing forty five degrees left, and execute migi shotei(right palm heel strike)
3. Execute migi Mae fumikomi(right front stomp kick), pivot and pull your right foot to the back into a hidari zenkutsu dachi(left front stance)
facing forward and execute hidari gedan uke(left low block)

Kihon Kumite Kata #15
1. Step out with your right foot 90 degrees left into a kiba-dachi(horse riding stance) and execute migi uri-uke(right hammer block)
2. Then execute migi gedan ushiro empi(right low back elbow), immediately execute migi jodan ushiro empi(right high back elbow)
3. Step right foot straight back and pivot 90 degrees right into a migi zenkutsu-dachi(right front stance) and execute hidari seiken(left twisting punch)
4. Step back into a hidari zenkutsu-dachi(left front stance) and execute hidari gedan-uke(left low block)

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