Shuri Ryu Ippons
Ippons begin and end with a block as they respond to an attack and follow through with a prearranged form of defense. The techniques were designed primarily to develop POWER and FORM. Ippons improve ability in body turning, shifting, stepping and changing direction.
Ippon Kumite Kata
Ippon Kumite Kata #1
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward stance (hidari
zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left high block
(hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin (mae geri keage) (Kiai)
3. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right edge of hand strike
(migi shuto) to opposite clavicle
4. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward stance (hidari
zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left low block
(hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #2
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin (mae
geri keage) (Kiai)
3. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right hammer strike
(migi tettui) to opposite clavicle
4. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #3
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin (mae
geri keage) (Kiai)
3. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right leopard strike (palm
(migi hiraken uchi) to throat
4. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #4
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin (mae
geri keage) (Kiai)
3. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right vertical punch
(migi tate ken tsuki)to solar plexus
4. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #5
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right forward kick to the groin (mae
geri keage) (Kiai)
3. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right
heel of hand strike (tiger fist to face) (migi
shotei uchi) to the chin
4. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #6
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Step forward with the right foot into a 45 degree
horse stance (migi hanmi-dachi) grabbing attacker’s
right wrist and execute a right edge of hand strike
(migi shuto) to the bicep
3. Remain in 45
degree horse stance (migi hanmi-dachi) and execute a
right knife hand strike (migi shuto) to attackers
neck. (Still holding attackers wrist)
4. Shift into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and
execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #7
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Step forward with the right foot and execute a heel stomp to top of attackers
right foot (Kiai)
3. Step forward with the right foot into a 45 degree
horse stance (migi hanmi-dachi) grabbing attacker’s
right wrist and execute a right edge of hand strike
(migi shuto) to the bicep
4. Remain in 45
degree horse stance (migi hanmi-dachi) and execute a
right knife hand strike (migi shuto) to attackers
neck. (Still holding attackers wrist)
5. Shift into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and
execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
6. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #8
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Sweep attackers right leg with the right foot and simultaneously execute a right elbow strike to the chin
(migi empi uchi)
3. Remain in a left forward stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and
execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
4. Execute a left low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #9
1. Step forward into a right 45 degree horse stance (hidari
hanmi-dachi) and execute a right downward hammer
fist strike (migi tettusi uchi) to attackers bicep
2. Pivot body 90 degrees (back towards attacker) into a hanmae stance and lock opponent’s arm under your right arm
3. Execute a left hammer strike (hidari tettusi uchi) to the groin, followed by a left elbow strike
(hidari empi uchi) to the stomach
4. Step with the left foot in front of the right
5. Pivot 180 degrees (clockwise) to a left forward stance
6. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
7. Execute a left low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #10
1. From a standing position raise right hand to crane position
(migi and (Kiai)
2. Leap forward into a horse stance (kiba dachi) and execute a left
low thrust punch (hidari gedan tsuki) to the groin
3. Remain in kiba dachi and execute a
right knife hand strike (palm up) (migi shuto uchi)
to attackers neck
3. Execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
4. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi ) and execute a left
low block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #11
1. Step back with right foot into a left forward
stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left
high block (hidari jodan-uke)
2. Execute a right back of hand strike (migi haishu uchi)to the side of the neck
3. Execute an left uppercut punch(hidari ura zuki) to the chin followed by a left side kick to the groin
4. Shift back and execute a left side kick
(hidari yoko geri) to attackers groin
Step down with the left foot into a left forward stance
(hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute
a left then right punch (hidari then migi chudan
tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Execute a left low
block (hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #12
1. Attacker steps in with a 2 handed grab
2. Step back with right foot into a left forward stance (hidari
zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a double hammer fist strike
(morote tettusi uchi) to attackers wrists
3. Grab wrists and execute a right thrust front kick (migi mae geri
kekomi) to the groin
4. Step forward into a right forward stance (migi
zenkutsu-dachi) and
execute a left then right punch (hidari then migi
chudan tsuki) to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a left forward stance (hidari zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a left low block
(hidari gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #13
1. Step back with left foot into a right forward
stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right
high block (migi jodan-uke)
2. Grab attackers arm with right handstep into a left 45 degree horst stance
(hidari hanmi-dachi)
3. Raise attackers arm and execute a left edge of hand strike
(hidari shuto uchi) under attackers arm to attackers neck
4. Execute a right then left punch (migi then hidari
chudan tsuki) to midsection
5. Step back into a right forward stance (migi zenkutsu-dachi) and execute a right low block
(migi gedan-uke)
Ippon Kumite Kata #14
1. Attacker executes a right punch
2. Step left into a wide horse stance and catch the attack in the crook of the right arm
3. Pivot 90 degrees on the right foot into a side horse stance and execute a forearm strike to attacker’s elbow
4. Execute a right and left punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a left forward stance and execute a left low block
Ippon Kumite Kata #15
1. Attacker steps in with a 2 handed grab
2. Step back into a left forward stance and execute a double hammer fist strike to attackers wrists
3. Grab wrists and simultaneously execute a double hammer strike
to attacker’s ears and a right knee to the groin
4. Step forward into a right forward stance and execute a left and right punch to the solar plexus
5. Step back into a left forward stance and execute a left low block